Friday, April 23, 2010

First session of Learn@Lunch

Welcome everyone to the first session of Learn@Lunch. With the intellectual conversations that we have had so far this should become an enjoyable experience.
I have so many things that I want to try that I don't think the title of 23 Things is big enough!

1 comment:

  1. G,day,

    What an intruiging way to spend an hour or two on a Friday.

    Learned a bit about the way the process works and at least have taken a step from thinking of blogging as just people using up lots of time as to ways that it might be useful for training.
    That part I am looking forward to getting a better understanding about. But like all things I suppose it will come with time.

    Decided to take the outside of the square approach and put up the following blog. Well i pay for the account so may as well see if it can work.

    One thing I didn't prepare for was the need to have some sort of acceptable PROFILE before I was able to comment, so this is the third time round.

    Oh, the complexity.


