Friday, December 2, 2011

Merry Christmas

Clipart Just an e-Christmas message for 2011.
The past month has been an adventure in e-learning. I have spent an enormous time exploring LMS (Moodle), blogs, wikis and podcasting! My learning seems to be spasmodic, as I am continually investigating and finding solutions for individuals as they build their own personal space online. While this is not a bad thing, I am constantly feeling that the gaps are larger than the knowledge! Well I suppose that I have to accept that with the ever changing online tools that I won't be able to know it all! I intend to spend the Christmas break in the virtual online world, relaxing and playing games.

Monday, October 24, 2011

e-Portfolio adventures

Last week I attended the e-Portfolio Australia Conference in Perth (17th & 18th October). Such a rewarding experience with the keynote speaker Kathleen Blake Yancey from Florida State University presenting on - Making learning visible, making differences in learning: The contributions of electronic portfolios. Her presentation was a positive and innovative insight into the develop of students' attitudes and approaches to e-Portfolios and learning. Where to start when investigating all the articles and books written by Kathleen? Here is a start Technology Ecology & Sustainability
My contribution to the conference was to present a case study on assessment challenges using e-Portfolios with Certificate IV Liberal Arts group. My findings made a comparison with semester 1 assessment techniques and the use of reflective writing and authentication of knowledge in semester 2. The group made good progress with e-learning technology but also highlighted the gap in approaches to developing an independent learner. Still some way to go!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The past 5 weeks have been an explosion of much happens inthe smallest space of time. I am now coming to the end of TDC workshops and have gain an enormous wealth of knowledge but more importantly the confidence to test and try new ways.
I have continued to work through the maze of tools and set about in the past 3 weeks to train and coach Learner Support staff in the use of Blackboard Collaborate. It is reassuring to know that once each person overcomes the hurdle of connecting and testing the link that they are ready to hold of the microphone! Love it.
I have also made my pledge to the EEL society (Energetic E Learning!). Just a group I made up tonight! Must admit I am the only member and considering I have no followers of my blog that at least I can explore the internet for adventures in eLearning!
Tomorrow brings another adventure in eLearning.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

eLearning tools

I'm back! I have been distracted and noticed that e Learning is taking off. I have really seen the interest shift into technology.
I have been attending the Telematics Digital Learning Network which has been inspiring. The tools that I have already used has snowballed into other projects. i have been able to implement the tools with the DLA group using MP3 files, Yeti, Audacity and Flip camera for video. Will keep you posted.