Monday, October 24, 2011

e-Portfolio adventures

Last week I attended the e-Portfolio Australia Conference in Perth (17th & 18th October). Such a rewarding experience with the keynote speaker Kathleen Blake Yancey from Florida State University presenting on - Making learning visible, making differences in learning: The contributions of electronic portfolios. Her presentation was a positive and innovative insight into the develop of students' attitudes and approaches to e-Portfolios and learning. Where to start when investigating all the articles and books written by Kathleen? Here is a start Technology Ecology & Sustainability
My contribution to the conference was to present a case study on assessment challenges using e-Portfolios with Certificate IV Liberal Arts group. My findings made a comparison with semester 1 assessment techniques and the use of reflective writing and authentication of knowledge in semester 2. The group made good progress with e-learning technology but also highlighted the gap in approaches to developing an independent learner. Still some way to go!

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