Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hello. Time has flown and I am being flown to Adelaide! Yes I am away for our Friday session and feel quite disappointed that I am not able to catch up with you all. I do hope that you have had some fun with your wikis. So what have we achieved?
David is probably enjoying his time playing with his new iPad! So how has time changedthe simple way of reading a book? We now have the advantage of reading books through technology that lets you image that you are turning the pages! What ever happen to that fasincation of smelling the paper. Do you remember that metho smell when the teacher ran off notes? Can we get that same realism with this new iPad?
So what about the creativity of books and the iPad? What will stop the work being copied and downloaded, passed off simply as another person's work. This happened quite easily with music and movies. What will stop this happening now with the printed word and anything that is published as a book. How far will this go? Do we learn any better through this new technology? Arrrr. .. just a few things to think about.

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that the current rate of technology change is meant to be used rather than just standing jaw dropped.
    I have a collection of old books from the 1880's they are yellowed, lovely to turn over, super smell, but I would not bother doing a book that way now.
    Collect al the bits, send to Blurb, they do the book, send the $30. and I get a nice book back. How cool.
    Also they will sell them and pay me small, very small royalty. So get over there now, buy a few books and I can have coffee in the city next week.

    The denizens of copyright might have to re-evaluate and those of us who hold our immortal intellectual rights to things may have to review what is an is not important. But I won't start on that here.

    Long live technology. Now get the Gulf cleaned up!


