Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This Friday!

Hello everyone. I think I am eventually following everyone! I now know that I am not going to use edublog. I hadn't realise what I like most is to see my work as I go. I like the icon in blogger that lets me view my blog from the same screen. A bit vain I know - just want to see my words in print!
So this Friday I hope that we can continue to look at wikis. We can look into setting up a wiki and investigate the functions. Have a look at Michael's links into the learning styles. From the quizz, look at your learning styles. Am I teaching the same way - blended teaching style? Have we exhausted this discussion?
See you all on Friday.


  1. Hello Ann, it's all about finding the tools that suit you, isn't it!

    There are so many ways to connect with people, to publish your thoughts, to respond to others' ideas..

    And in the end, what suits you might not suit your students.

    kind regards, michael

    (isn't there a 'preview post' button in edublogs?)

  2. We have continued to play with wordpress and this has been difficult to locate a preview button. The solution is there isn't a preview! You have two screens open.
