Friday, May 7, 2010

Using Spell with flickr

I have tested my skills with images and ventured into Spell with Flickr! However what did stump me was I thought I could embed the code but didn't know where. So I had to work in photoshop to create the image as a jpeg and upload the image from there. A solution of sorts but I am sure this isn't quite the right way.


  1. This really interesting and you might want to take a digital camera and take shots of things you find that look like or are letters and so make up your own visual alphabet. How cool.

  2. good point Ann. Screengrab and upload image is a clever compromise.

    i wonder if you can embed the code into Blogger. i know you can in a wikispace with their embed widget.

    Hm. Let me see..
    (i've copied your topic over on my blog)
    > Via > Edit HTML (top right) > Paste

